Templar Rule Book created model campers?

maroon flower on top of brown book

Did the Templar Rule book teach the knights how to be model campers?

The Rule of the Order of the Knights Templar goes in to painstaking detail as to how Templar knights must be the neatest campers – setting an example to those boorish secular knights, who probably left a right mess behind.

…the brothers should not saddle up, nor load the baggage, nor mount, nor move from their places unless the Marshal has the order called or commands it; but tent pegs, empty flasks, the camping axe, the camping rope and fishing net may be put on the horses before the order to load the baggage is given.

Brothers were then told to look over the campsite and make sure they had taken absolutely everything. “…they they should mount and go quietly with their troop, at a walk or amble, their squires behind them, and position themselves in the line of march.”

DISCOVER: The origins of the Knights Templar

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