Lisbon – from a Muslim to a Christian city

Lisbon was a Muslim city before the year 1147. Its official name was Al-Usbuna ruled by an emir in Badajoz and part of a global caliphate stretching to India. But all that changed during the Crusades.

Stand in front of the main cathedral in Lisbon today and imagine – over 800 years ago – you would have been standing before the Great Mosque of the city of Al-Usbuna. Because Lisbon – like other European cities – was part of the Islamic caliphate. All around you would have been the whitewashed ‘medina’ or downtown area and up above, the Qasr (Alcazar in Spanish) or main Islamic fortress – which is now the Castle of St George.

From Muslim Al-Usbuna to the Christian city of Lisbon

And yet in the year 1147, a massive army of crusaders and Knights Templar descended on Al-Usbuna and took it from Muslim control. They tore down the mosque and installed a new bishop. This was a dramatic turning point for Muslim rule on the Iberian peninsula. It signalled the end of the caliphate and the emergence of Catholic Portugal and Spain.

This is an astonishing story from the Middle Ages of how a vast crusader army on the way to the Holy Land was convinced to divert to Portugal and help a small Christian kingdom take a city called Al-Usbuna from its Muslim rulers. That city was conquered and became Lisbon.

These events unfolded between 1144 and 1147 – and I touch on them heavily in my novel Quest for the True Cross. So let’s look at what happened…

In the year 1095, Pope Urban II preached a sermon at the Council of Clermont that changed history. News had come that the Christian Byzantine empire – roughly corresponding to modern Turkey and Greece – was in danger of falling to the forces of Islam. In response, the pope launched the crusades. This was to be a holy war.

Those knights who took up the cross and went off to fight in the east would have all sins forgiven. It proved to be a very attractive proposition and after the first crusade, Jerusalem had been overrun by the crusaders with Christian kingdoms established in what is now modern Lebanon, parts of Syria and Israel.

FIND OUT MORE: Medieval chroniclers who hated the Knights Templar

But it wasn’t just the Holy Land that saw a nose-to-nose confrontation between the two faiths. Sicily had been an emirate up until 1085 when the Normans conquered it. And in modern Spain and Portugal – Muslim rulers had been in control of most of the Iberian peninsula since the year 711CE.

However, they were now being pushed back slowly and in 1085, the magnificent city of Toledo was seized by King Alfonso of Leon-Castile (a Christian kingdom in northern Spain). So there were crusades in progress on multiple fronts – not just in the east.

How a crusader army took the Muslim city and remade it as Lisbon

In fact, the pope was very keen to make sure that crusaders kept up the fight in Iberia. There were dreams of creating new Christian kingdoms in that region and already – on the west side of the peninsula – a new entity called Portugal was emerging. It started out as a county of Leon but under an ambitious ruler, Dom Afonso, the territory started to assert its independence from both neighbouring Christian kingdoms and the Muslims to the south.

Nevertheless, Dom Afonso felt constantly insecure about his political position. He needed a major victory against Islam to bolster his credibility and his ambition was to seize the wealthy and well defended Muslim metropolis of Al-Usbuna on the river Tagus.

It was the crafty bishop of Porto – the largest city he then ruled – who came up with the solution. Pedro Pitoes knew that a vast crusader fleet had set sail from England bound for the Holy Land. The Second Crusade was underway after the fall of the Christian controlled city of Edessa in Syria – which is where I begin the action in my novel. Pitoes encouraged this fleet to dock at Porto and then delivered a rousing speech to the warriors as they came on to land.

Yes, he told them, I know you’re off to fight in far off Syria. But there is a city right here that needs your help. And if you lend your muscle to the king of Portugal – then you will be allowed to take what you want from the city before handing it over to us. And this will be a just war in which you will be providing a great service to the church of Rome. That was the gist of his speech, which features in Quest for the True Cross.

The crusaders – amazingly – were convinced. This would lead to a delay of many months before they reached their final destination in the east. And along the way, as I detail in Quest, there were many grumbles and mutinous moments. But somehow, thousands of men from Flanders, Germany, England, France and elsewhere were convinced to march to the walls of Al-Usbuna and end four centuries of Muslim rule there.

I place my hero – an English Templar knight called Sir William de Mandeville – in the centre of this incredible tale. The details of the siege and the characters involved were taken from a contemporary account called De Expugnatione Lyxbonensi – The Conquest of Lisbon – written by an Anglo-French priest who was present throughout the battle.

3 thoughts on “Lisbon – from a Muslim to a Christian city

  1. Fascinating information. It was after this that the Templars established their headquarters at Tomar just north east of Lisbon where today the greatest intact monument to the Templars still stands in the shape of a vast monastery with intricate symbols and carvings many of which are also to be found at Roslyn Chapel in Scotland where the Templars finally fled, although in Portugal avoiding capture by changing their name to Knights of Christ. see for more on the Templars

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