British Museum takes apart model of the Holy Sepulchre

grayscale photo of crucifix

OK….I’ve given you a mountain of information and images about the Holy Sepulchre having just been to Jerusalem and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Today I went to the British Museum and they are displaying a model of the church made in the early 1600s. Not only that, but one of the museum’s curators took the model apart to show how it was made up.

If you know the church, you’ll notice that it’s changed a bit since this model was made nearly 400 years ago. An earthquake severely damaged it in the early 19th century and there’s been a bit of remodeling. But essentially, the Holy Sepulchre retains the form of the building constructed by the crusaders and Templars in the 12th century – which replaced a Byzantine church destroyed by Jerusalem’s Muslim rulers.

So – here’s the model and the curator taking it apart – enjoy!

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